Jaden's Adventures Wiki
Winter the Android

Winter is a young female android that resembles Kairi when she was very little, but has white hair and pink eyes. She was created from a old surviving piece of Ultron and with data based off of Vision by Akihiro Kurata and co-created by Dr. Eggman under orders from Set to create the perfect warrior that would be superior to Xion (due to being unable to use her in his plans anymore) and Cleo Quinzel (due to her recent and somewhat redemption). However, Winter gains sentience and questions her programming.

Winter's Pokémon

  • Plusle
  • Minun
  • Magnemite
  • Porygon
  • Eevee (later evolves into Flareon)


  • The Justice Guardians (her family)
  • The Thunderbolts
  • Wanting to learn how to be human
  • Being a hero
  • Logic games such as Dungeons and Dragons parody games and games like Chess or Checkers
  • Sea salt ice cream
  • Magic
  • Botley
  • Nature
  • Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
  • Baking
  • Singing
  • Cooking
  • Playing with her friends and family
  • Her ice cream Cyber Crunch
  • Singing
  • Puzzles
  • WALL-E (character and movie)


  • Her creators Kurata and Dr. Eggman
  • Set
  • Belphemon
  • Being evil
  • Being called "#15"
  • Being called "Kurata's broken toy"
  • Polly Spark
  • Loud sonic wavelengths
  • Mr. Director
  • Baloney the Dinosaur
  • Being called a traitor
  • The bird inside Xion's alarm clock (sometimes)
  • Magnets
  • Datamon
  • Kenna



  • Winter will appear in a future crossover, starting with The Sum of Her Heart. At the end, Berkley Beetles becomes a mentor of redemption to her.
  • Winter was inspired by Pinocchio and Astro Boy, with Winter wanting to be like other humans despite being a robot. She was also inspired by Vision and Peridot before her redemption. Winter even flies via rockets in her shoes similarly to Astro Boy.
  • Winter was also given the code name "#15" by Kurata as a homage to Organization XIII back when Xion was the unofficial 14th member. However she hates the name and prefers to be called Winter.
  • Due to magic being involved in her creation, Winter is capable of using magic.
  • Winter's weapons for battle are repulsors, arm cannons, a lightsaber-like sword, mini-missiles shot from her wrists, laser beam eyes, electromagnetic shock pulses, knockout gas, smoke bombs and solar energy beams.
  • Like Vision, Winter can alter her density and phase through walls. She can also hack into computer programs, but this function can exhaust her if she does it too much.
  • Like Weebo, Winter is given a self-repair system in case she gets damaged badly.
  • A major weakness for Winter is that loud sonic wavelengths bother her.
  • Winter is eventually adopted by Jeffrey Dragonheart and Aqua.
  • Winter's eye color changes depending on the function she is doing. When they turn grey, it means she fails to do her function.
  • One of Winter's functions is understanding, translating and speaking multiple languages.
  • Even though she looks like a 7 year old girl, Winter is quite mature for her age.
  • Winter runs on the same power source that allowed Ultron and Vision to move around and has a heart shaped arc reactor made by Jeffrey inside her chest.
  • Winter is capable of collecting over 100,000+ files of data.
  • Winter is equipped with accessories that can be used for certain conditions, such as a fan to cool herself off from the heat.