Trixie (voiced by Kathleen Barr) is a character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She's a unicorn and a traveling magician who completely boasts about herself and her magical abilities. She tends to speak in third person and calls herself "The Great and Powerful Trixie". She claims to have defeated an Ursa Major, but when Snipes and Snails brought one into town, Trixie failed to stop it. She was humiliated more when it was an Ursa MINOR.
- Trixie will become Jeffrey's enemy somewhere in the Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures series. But since she and Gilda will one day join the Shell Louge Squad, she'll also become one of his allies.
- Trixie will become Jaden's enemy (and possible ally) in the future.
- Trixie will guest star along with Gilda in Jeffrey & Friends' Storm Adventures of The Muppets (2011).
- Trixie will return in Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - No Second Prances.
- Trixie will appear again in Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Juniper Lee's Storm Adventures of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - To Where and Back Again, and from then on, Jaden, Jeffrey and Hiccup will see her as an ally.
- Trixie will join the Justice Guardians at the end of Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup, Juniper Lee & Friends' Storm Adventures of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
- Trixie will meet Lucario in the future. She might join his team.
- A running gag in the series is Discord and Trixie getting into occasional arguments.