Timon (voiced by Nathan Lane) is a meerkat friend of Simba, Pooh, and Jaden. His best friend is a warthog named Pumbaa. In Jaden meets The Lion King, he helped Simba and Jaden defeat Scar and save the Pride Lands.
- Timon will guest star along with Simba and Pumbaa in Jaden's Adventures of Don't Eat the Pictures.
- Timon will guest star again in Jaden's Adventures of Alice in Wonderland (2010 version).
- Timon will guest star in Pooh's And Jaden's Adventures of ChalkZone The Big Blow Up.
- Timon appears as one of the many imprisoned animals in the Juniper Lee's Adventures Series episode Animal Alcatraz.
- Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba started there own adventure in Timon and Pumbaa's adventures in The Jungle Book, which is later extended and acts like a brother to his friends.
- Timon is one of the four leaders of the Jungle Adventure Crew.
- Timon will meet Jeffrey and his team in Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures of The Lion King. He'll reunite with them in Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride.
- Timon will guest star in Wedding Duels.
- Timon will attend Jeffrey and Aqua's wedding in Key of Flaming Union.
- Timon will guest star in Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Alice Through the Looking Glass.