Jaden's Adventures Wiki

The Thunderbolts Beyond is a collection of written stories involving the next generation of the Thunderbolts which is lead by the daughter of Courtney Elison and XR; Gracie.

Chapter 1: Gracie’s aunts come to visit Maretime Bay[]

  • (At the Crystal Brighthouse, Gracie was busy cleaning up the whole place until Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, and Misty come in and see Gracie zooming around to get the whole place cleaned up)
  • Sunny: Hey, Gracie! What’s going on?
  • Gracie: Oh! Hey, guys! I’m just doing some cleaning today. My aunts are coming over for a visit and I want this place to be spotless when they arrive.
  • Izzy: Aww, that’s so sweet of you.
  • Zipp: Here, let us help you.
  • (They help Gracie get the Brighthouse all cleaned up until the whole place was clean and spotless)
  • Gracie: Perfect! You guys did a great job!
  • Sunny: Thanks, Gracie. I hope your aunts think so too.
  • Gracie: I can’t wait for Misty to meet them! They’re the best!
  • Zipp: Oh? And why’s that?
  • Gracie: They’re the best because they’re brave huntresses! *shows them a photo of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long which was in a frame with her mouth*
  • Misty: This is what your aunts look like? You don’t even look alike.
  • Gracie: *puts the framed photo down on the ground* It’s true that we may not look alike or share the same blood but we’re still family. Mom taught me that. She and my aunts went on a ton of adventures together. My aunts even saved my mom from Mephisto and Praxina from time to time and my mom saved my aunts from time to time too. For example…
  • (Some flashbacks of Courtney saving her big sisters were shown)
  • Gracie: *voiceover* Mom saved my Aunt Weiss from a pack of Beowolves during the Beacon Academy initiation, saved my Aunt Yang and Aunt Blake from Adam Taurus in Argus, she even saved my Aunt Ruby from being possessed by the Curious Cat.
  • (The flashbacks end)
  • Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, and Misty: Wow…
  • Misty: Your mom and your aunts sound like a pretty good team.
  • Sunny: Trust me, Misty. You’re gonna love Gracie’s aunts.
  • Gracie: They should be here any minute. I wonder what’s taking them so long.
  • (Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard!)
  • Gracie: That must be them! *hurries over to the door and opens it to see her aunts* Aunt Ruby! Aunt Yang! Aunt Weiss! Aunt Blake!
  • Ruby: Hi, Gracie! It’s so good to see you again! *hugs her niece as Gracie hugs her aunt back*
  • Gracie: Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you! There’s someone I want you all to meet. Come on in!
  • (They come inside and close the door behind them as Gracie gestures to Misty)
  • Gracie: This is Misty, my big sister figure.
  • Ruby: Hi, Misty. Nice to meet you. I’m Ruby.
  • Weiss: I’m Weiss.
  • Blake: Blake.
  • Yang: I’m Yang.
  • Misty: Nice to meet you too. Gracie has told me so much about you.
  • Ruby: Thanks, Misty.
  • Misty: No problem at all, Miss Rose.
  • Ruby: *kneels down to Misty’s height and puts her hand on her shoulder* Misty, since Gracie looks up to you as a big sister, that makes you our niece as well.
  • Misty: Really?
  • (They nod yes)
  • Misty: Wow, that’s great! Thanks, Miss Rose- I mean, Aunt Ruby.

Chapter 2: Life after Opaline’s defeat[]

  • (It was a peaceful quiet day in Maretime Bay and Gracie was at the top of the Crystal Brighthouse, admiring the view of the ocean)
  • Gracie: *sighs* You hear that, Sunny? That’s the sound of peace and quiet now that Opaline is gone for good.
  • Sunny: Yeah. But, Ash, Mephisto, and Praxina are still out there and we have no idea where.
  • Gracie: Can’t we just… I don’t know, find them with the Scepter of Light?

Chapter 3: The Straw Hats come to Maretime Bay[]

  • (Peter and Capricorn were at the top of the Crystal Brighthouse, trying out the newly installed telescope. Peter was looking through the telescope while Capricorn was giving him a boost by holding him up on his shoulders)
  • Capricorn: See anything, bro?
  • Peter: *looks down at his brother* Nope. Just the water. *looks through the telescope by turning it until he noticed something* Huh? *looks again to see a strange looking ship of some sort* Whoa!
  • Capricorn: What is it, bro?
  • Peter: There’s a strange looking ship coming this way!
  • Capricorn: I wanna see! It’s my turn! *stumbles over as he and Peter fall down*
  • Peter: *has stars swirling around his head* Ow…
  • Capricorn: *goes over to the telescope and looks through it to see the ship which turns out to be a pirate ship and he sees the flag design* Whoa, cool! It’s a pirate ship!
  • Peter: *excitedly* Hold on. Did you say… Pirate?!
  • Capricorn: Yeah! Look at the flag!
  • Peter: *looks through the telescope to see the flag design* Cool! It looks a skull wearing a straw hat!
  • Capricorn: Wait, a skull wearing a straw hat? Where have we heard that before?
  • Peter: Come on, Capricorn! We gotta tell everyone about this! *rushes downstairs to tell Gracie and the others*
  • Capricorn: *follows his brother downstairs to tell the rest of the Thunderbolts about what they have seen while looking through the newly installed telescope*

Chapter 4: Encounter with the Curious Cat[]

  • (Peter and Capricorn were distracting the Curious Cat)
  • Peter: *shakes his tail at the cat* Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!
  • Curious Cat: *hisses angrily at the two pups and chases after them*
  • Peter: *screams* Retreat!!!
  • Capricorn: Run!!!
  • (They run for it until Victor Delgado and Cruz step in to stop the Curious Cat from harming Peter and Capricorn)
  • Cruz: Stop right there!
  • Victor: *points his tamborita at the cat* You’re not getting anywhere near my grandsons!
  • (Vestia and Carla Delgado (who is also pointing her tamborita at the cat) help Victor and Cruz surround the Curious Cat)
  • Sunny: *appears in front of the Curious Cat* So!
  • Curious Cat: *notices Sunny*
  • Sunny: You’re the Curious Cat!
  • Curious Cat: You’re not wrong, Starscout pony. I am indeed a cat most curious. *bares their fangs*
  • Izzy: Uh oh…
  • Pipp: Oh dear…
  • Sunny: Courtney warned us about you! You’re the one who tried to possess Gracie’s aunt!
  • Curious Cat: And I don’t need Ruby anymore since I’m no longer trapped in the Ever After. And now, I get to eliminate you all!
  • Gracie: Fat chance, cat! *pounces on the cat from behind and pins them to the ground*
  • Curious Cat: *hisses angrily at Gracie and swipes their claws at her*
  • Gracie: *jumps back to avoid getting scratched by the cat* Whoa! *lands a few feet away from them*
  • Curious Cat: *approaches Gracie* You’re always getting the way. Just like your mother when she fought me in order to protect your so-called "Aunt" Ruby.
  • Gracie: It doesn’t matter! *clashes with the cat* I will protect Equestria and my family… FROM YOU!!! *unleashes her magic and fires it at the cat*
  • Curious Cat: *hisses and unleashes a roaring beam at Gracie*
  • (Both sides were trying to overpower each other and Gracie was giving it her all)
  • Izzy: Yes, you can do it, Gracie!
  • Pipp: Way to glow, Gracie!
  • Sunny: Go, Gracie!
  • Zipp: Yeah, we’ve got your back!
  • Hitch: Get them!
  • Cruz: That’s my niece!
  • Vestia: Go, Gracie!
  • Carla: Show that cat who’s boss!
  • Victor: You can do it!
  • Beezle: Go, Gracie! Go!
  • Katy: We believe in you, Gracie!
  • (Gracie continues to fight the Curious Cat as everyone cheers for her)
  • Misty: You can do it, Gracie.
  • (Gracie’s magic was at full power as she blasts the cat back and some rubble traps the cat underneath)
  • Curious Cat: *tries to get out of the rubble*
  • Gracie: Gotcha!

Chapter 5: Gracie’s Jedi Training[]

  • (Gracie was going through some Jedi training in the temple unaware that it was a test)
  • Courtney: *shows up to help her daughter* Come on, Gracie. Let’s get moving. Time’s a wastin’! *heads down a tunnel*
  • Gracie: Mother, are you sure that’s a good idea-
  • (A slash was heard!)
  • Courtney: *screams in pain*
  • Gracie: Mother! *hurries down into the tunnel until she came to a halt* Whoa!
  • (She looked down the cliff and saw an endless abyss as she backs away from the cliff)
  • Gracie: *hears something and then turns to see Amethio and his Ceruledge who are standing right next to her mother; Courtney who was injured from Ceruledge’s Bitter Blade while she was holding her bloody arm in pain and panting heavily* Amethio…!
  • Amethio: It seems as though we’ve got what we wanted to get that pendant. And now, you’re next. *approaches Gracie who backs away in fear with his Ceruledge*
  • Gracie: *whimpers in fear with her ears down*
  • Courtney: *gets up despite being injured* No!! *activates her alicorn magic* I’ll die before I let you harm my daughter!
  • Amethio: How absentminded. Ceruledge, Psycho Cut!
  • Ceruledge: *uses Psycho Cut towards Courtney*
  • Courtney: *defends herself with her alicorn magic by summoning up a shield and starts fighting off Ceruledge in order to protect her daughter; Gracie*
  • Gracie: Mother, stop! You don’t need to do this!
  • Courtney: I don’t care! As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters! *keeps on fighting off Ceruledge*
  • (Suddenly, Ceruledge gains the upper hand and stabs Courtney in the abdomen with one of it’s blades and she falls into the abyss)
  • Gracie: Mother, no!!
  • Ceruledge: *flicks the blood off of it’s blade*
  • Amethio: That foolish mother of yours, thinking that she can defeat Ceruledge.
  • Gracie: *sheds some tears* You’ll pay for what you did! *tries to use her magic but it wasn’t working right*
  • Amethio: Looks like you’re all out of options. Ceruledge, Bitter Blade!
  • Ceruledge: *uses Bitter Blade as Gracie dodges*
  • Gracie: *slips as she falls off the cliff and into the abyss while screaming*
  • (She suddenly lands on solid ground and looks around to see that she’s still in the Jedi Temple)
  • Gracie: That’s right. I’m still in the temple, I knew it! I knew it wasn’t real. *turns around to see a stone door as she senses something from behind it*
  • (She goes up to the stone door and it opens)
  • Gracie: *gasps as she sees Amethio and his Ceruledge again!* Oh no… *paralyzed with fear as she backs away with her ears down* No, no, no! It’s not real! *turns away while holding her head* All of it is just an illusion!

Chapter 6: Gracie runs away[]

  • Courtney: *comes into the room to tell her daughter that it’s time for dinner* Gracie, time for- *gasps as she sees Bruno’s vision about the Curious Cat trying to possess her big sister; Ruby* Gracie, where did you get this?
  • Gracie: I-I found it…
  • Courtney: You went into Bruno’s room at Casa Madrigal, didn’t you?
  • Gracie: I had to know…
  • Courtney: Gracie, you know you weren’t supposed to see that vision! You deliberately disobeyed me!
  • Gracie: Why didn’t you and my aunts tell me about this?! What really happened in the Ever After? I want to know now!!
  • Courtney: No, Gracie! You’re too young to know now. I don’t want you to go what I’ve been through and I don’t want you to go through the same thing either.
  • Gracie: *sheds tears and sighs angrily* It’s not fair… I hate you!!
  • (After having an argument with her mother about wanting to know what happened in the Ever After, Gracie ran out of her room in tears before her aunts; Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose could come into the room)
  • Courtney: *sighs sadly as she hangs her head down in shame for keeping the truth about her traumatizing adventure through the Ever After with her big sisters from her daughter as a terrible secret*
  • Yang: *goes over to Courtney with Ruby and sits right next to her* Courtney…
  • Ruby: *sits on Courtney’s right side*
  • Courtney: Oh, Ruby… Yang…
  • Ruby: *puts a hand on her little sister’s shoulder* Sis, we knew this day would come…
  • Courtney: You’re right. We should’ve entrusted her with the truth. We should tell her everything right after she cools down. She maybe too upset to talk right now.
  • (Meanwhile with Gracie, she was packing up some stuff for a journey to find out the truth about the Ever After and why the Curious Cat wanted to possess her Aunt Ruby. She even has the heart shaped locket that contains the Rainbow of Light around her neck)
  • Capricorn: Gracie! Where are you going?
  • Gracie: I have to find out the truth about what happened when mother and our aunts were in the Ever After. And why did the Curious Cat wanted to possess Aunt Ruby?
  • Capricorn: But, you can’t go alone! It’s too dangerous!
  • Gracie: I’m sorry, Capricorn but it’s my decision. Not your decision or anyone’s. *spreads her ears out and takes off*
  • Capricorn: Gracie, wait! Come back!! Oh… *his ears drop down* Mom’s not going to be happy about this…
  • (Gracie was flying for hours until she decided to rest in a forest after flying for a long time)
  • Gracie: *lands on the ground* Phew… I’m bushed… While I rest, I gotta look into this book for any clues about the Ever After. *takes out the book; The Girl Who Fell Through the World and opens it*
  • (Gracie looks through the pages of the book for any clues while reading the story)
  • Gracie: *reads* "And on the wind, Alyx heard one more question… What are you?" *looks in the book* Darn it! It’s the last page! But, at least I found out the story about Alyx. If only I had some help… *her ears twitch as she turns around and sees three figures flying on some bird Pokémon: two Skarmory and a Corviknight*
  • Gracie: Strange… I never thought my mom and the others would find me so quickly. *gets out a telescope, cleans the lens with a cleaning cloth and looks into it as she sees Amethio, Onia, and Zirc!* Oh no! It’s the Explorers! *lowers the telescope* I gotta get outta here! Break time’s over. *puts the book back in her bag along with the telescope and runs for it* What are they doing here? I gotta find a place to hide! Quickly! *keeps on running until she finds a cave!* Bingo! They’ll never find me in here! *goes into the cave and hides behind a huge rock*
  • (The Explorers land near the cave where Gracie is hiding in)
  • Gracie: *gasps in fear, quietly and hides*
  • Onia and Zirc: *recalls their Skarmory*
  • Amethio: *recalls his Corviknight and turns to his subordinates* Split up and search the area for that black Rayquaza. I know that it came this way.
  • Onia and Zirc: Yes sir!
  • Gracie: *whispers* Oh no! I gotta do something! I can’t hide here forever, it’s like I’m a sitting duck! *sighs quietly and whispers as she looks down with her ears dropping down* If only I hadn’t run away… All because I wanted answers about the Ever After…
  • (Meanwhile back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Capricorn was pacing around nervously after seeing his sister run away from home)
  • Capricorn: Oh, this is bad! Very bad!
  • Courtney: *looking around for her daughter with her big sisters* Gracie! Gracie?
  • Ruby: Grace, where are you?
  • Yang: Come on, Grace! This is not the time for hide and seek!
  • Capricorn: *hears his mom and his aunts calling out for Gracie* Okay, I just gotta remain calm and tell them… *inhales, screams in panic and runs over to his mother and aunts* Gracie’s gone! Gracie’s gone! Gracie’s gone!
  • Courtney: *turns to see her son running up to her and her big sisters* Capricorn?!
  • Capricorn: I tried to talk her out of it and now she’s gone!
  • Weiss: Gone?! Where did she go?
  • Blake: Did she tell you where she was going?
  • Capricorn: I don’t know! She just flew off! And I don’t know where she’s going!
  • Courtney: *gasps in horror* Oh no… *turns to her big sisters* She might be in terrible danger! We have to find her, now!
  • (Back with Gracie, she was still hiding behind the rock inside the cave)
  • Gracie: *peeks out from behind the rock and sees Onia and Zirc looking around for the black Rayquaza as she whispers* Aw man, they’re still here! They have to give up at some point. Besides, I don’t think Rayquaza’s here. Unless the intel they received was false. *sees Onia about to turn around and whispers* Uh oh! She’s turning around! *hides again*
  • Onia: *to Zirc* Did you hear that?
  • Zirc: Hear what?
  • Onia: There’s something in that cave.
  • Gracie: *thinks to herself* Oh crepes! I’m dead! *looks around the cave, frantically until she notices some stalactites and gets an idea as she whispers* Perfect! *grabs a nearby rock and throws it at the stalactites, hard*
  • (The stalactites rumble and start to fall off the cave ceiling one by one after Gracie threw a rock at them)
  • Zirc: *notices the stalactites falling* Look out!
  • Onia: *dodges the falling stalactites* Let’s get out of here!
  • (They run out of the cave after all the stalactites fell)
  • Gracie: *peeks out from behind the rock* Phew… That got rid of them! Now, I gotta find a different way out of this crazy cave. *goes down deeper into the cave*
  • Amethio: *returns from searching the area* Did you find it?
  • Onia: No, sir! But, I believe that the black Rayquaza is hiding in that cave. We tried to take a look but some stalactites fell and we were forced to retreat.
  • Amethio: *takes a closer look inside the cave and sees a rock that caused the stalactites to fall after it was thrown at them* Hmm…
  • (Meanwhile with Gracie, she was walking through the cave and crawling through small spaces)
  • Gracie: *grunts while crawling through a small space* How on earth did I get myself into this mess? *sees a light* Hey! I bet that’s the way out! *rushes towards the light but it was only the water glowing* Oh… I thought it was a way out… I might as well get going… *keeps on going through the cave* I’ll never get out of here. This cave must go on for miles.
  • (As she continued onward, she suddenly reaches a dead end!)
  • Gracie: Darn it! A dead end! I’d better go back and try again.
  • Amethio: *shows up with Onia and Zirc* Hold it!
  • Gracie: *gasps and turns around to see Amethio and his subordinates*
  • Onia: Hi, long time no see. What’s a little puppy like you doing down here all alone?
  • Gracie: I… I ran away from home…
  • Amethio: Why did you run away?
  • Gracie: *sighs and looks down with her ears down in sadness* You see, Mother and I got into a fight… She says that I’m too young to know the truth about her adventure through the Ever After with my aunts… Not to mention when the Curious Cat tried to possess my Aunt Ruby… I just wish she didn’t keep that adventure through the Ever After as a secret… She knows better than to keep secrets from me and- *slips and falls over due to the cave floor being so wet as the book; The Girl Who Fell Through the World flies out of her bag and lands near Amethio’s feet*
  • Amethio: *notices the book and picks it up* And what is this?
  • Gracie: *gets up after slipping and shakes herself off* That book belongs to my mother… It’s called "The Girl Who Fell Through the World". It’s a childhood favorite of everyone’s where my aunts are from. It tells the story about a girl named Alyx who travels through the Ever After to get back home to Remnant. I’ve been trying to find some answers about that place that was mentioned in the book and why the Curious Cat tried to possess my aunt. But sadly, I couldn’t find anything helpful in there.
  • Amethio: Is that so?
  • Gracie: *nods yes* Uh-huh.
  • Amethio: We know someone who can help you with your problem. So, you’re going to have to come with us.
  • Gracie: No, I can’t!
  • Amethio: Why not?
  • Gracie: Mother said I’m not allowed to go anywhere with strangers. Especially you three.
  • Amethio: But, you do want answers. Don’t you?
  • Gracie: Yes…
  • Amethio: So, that means you have to come with us. Whether you like it or not.
  • Gracie: Okay. I’ll go with you even if it means getting answers about the Ever After…
  • (They all exit the cave as Gracie goes with them, willingly)
  • Gracie: *thinks to herself* This is for the best…
  • (A magic beam was fired at them)
  • ???: Stop right there, you scoundrels!
  • (They look up to see Courtney with her alicorn magic activated)
  • Gracie: *thinks to herself* Mother…?
  • Courtney: *lands on the ground* What do you think you’re doing with my daughter? *turns to Gracie* Gracie, where have you been? We’ve been worried sick about you!
  • Gracie: *still angry with her mother for keeping secrets from her about the Ever After and the Curious Cat trying to possess her aunt as she turns her head away*
  • Amethio: *looks at Gracie and turns to face Courtney* Seems like you failed as a parent. Such a disappointment you are.
  • Courtney: That’s not true! You’re lying!
  • Amethio: Am I now? Then, why did you keep secrets from her? About your adventure through the Ever After with your big sisters? About when the Curious Cat tried to possess Ruby?
  • Courtney: *her ears drop down* I just wanted to protect her… Ever since that traumatizing adventure, I was so afraid of losing my pups to the same fate as Ruby. But, I see now that I was wrong about keeping secrets from them… I wanted to apologize to Gracie for keeping this secret for so many years…
  • Gracie: *her eyes widen after hearing that from her mother, lifts her head up and thinks to herself* Mother…
  • Amethio: Now that we’ve heard everything, Gracie’s coming with us. *to Gracie* Come along, Gracie. It’s time to go.
  • Gracie: No! I’m not going anywhere with you! *runs over to her mother who hugs her*
  • Amethio: What did you say?
  • Courtney: *protects her daughter* You heard her! She’s not going anywhere with you! Gracie’s coming home with me!
  • Amethio: Fine. If that’s the way you want it… *takes out a Pokéball and throws it in the air* Ceruledge!
  • (Ceruledge was summoned forth)
  • Ceruledge: Ceruledge…
  • Gracie: Oh no! It’s Ceruledge!
  • Courtney: *glares at Amethio* Game on! *throws a Pokéball to summon forth her Single Strike style Urshifu*
  • Urshifu: Urshifu!
  • Gracie: Who’s that Pokémon? *pulls out her Rotom Phone and scans Urshifu*
  • Gracie’s Rotom Phone: Urshifu, Single Strike style. The Wushu Pokémon. A Fighting and Dark type, and the evolved form of Kubfu. Its goal is to win with one strike. It charges at its opponent’s chest and strikes with its highly trained fists.
  • Amethio: I won’t be pulling any punches.
  • Courtney: Oh yeah? Speaking of that… Urshifu, Wicked Blow!
  • Urshifu: *uses Wicked Blow on Ceruledge*
  • (The impact of the move causes Ceruledge’s Weak Armor ability to activate to increase its speed)
  • Amethio: Use Night Slash!
  • Courtney: Dodge it!
  • Urshifu: *dodges Ceruledge’s Night Slash*
  • Courtney: Use Darkest Lariat!
  • Urshifu: *uses Darkest Lariat*
  • Amethio: Use Phantom Force!
  • Ceruledge: *uses Phantom Force to dodge Urshifu’s Darkest Lariat*
  • Urshifu: *looks around for Ceruledge*
  • Courtney: Stay calm, Urshifu. Focus.
  • Urshifu: *nods in understanding as it closes its eyes and listens for Ceruledge*
  • (Ceruledge appears from behind Urshifu!)
  • Courtney: Now! Use Dig!
  • Urshifu: *uses Dig to dodge and hits Ceruledge from below*
  • Ceruledge: *stumbles backwards*
  • (Suddenly, something was thrown between them!)
  • ???: Surrender, Explorers scum!
  • ???: Or face the wrath of our kitchen ware!
  • Gracie: *sees her siblings; Summer and Capricorn!* Summer? Capricorn?
  • Both: Charge!!!!
  • Dylan: *argues with Peter* How could you lose our little brother?
  • Peter: Me?! You were supposed to keep an eye on him!
  • Dylan: No, you were-! *notices the fight down there* Hey, are those the Explorers?
  • Peter: And is that Capricorn?!
  • XR: *sees Capricorn fighting the Explorers with his sister; Summer* What the?! CAPRICORN XR ELISON!! You’re in big troub-
  • Capricorn: *hits Zirc with his large wooden spoon, hard* Take that, Zirc! That’s right! Taste the Capricorn!
  • Summer: *fires her magic at Onia* Die, you scum!!
  • Yang: *to XR* You’ve got one tough little son, XR.

Chapter 7: Shots for nothing[]

  • (Gracie and her siblings were relaxing until they heard their parents calling)
  • Courtney: Kids! Come on, we have to get going! We gotta get to the vet’s office for our appointment!
  • Gracie: The vet?! What for…?
  • Peter: Let’s see… We’re not sick, we’re not hurt… Oh no, this means we’re getting shots!
  • Capricorn: Shots…?
  • Courtney: That’s right. You need those shots to prevent you from getting sick.
  • Gracie: Oh no… *looks down*
  • XR: Gracie, Peter, Capricorn, your mother knows best. And that means no complaining.
  • Gracie: *groans and falls to the ground backwards*
  • Summer: You’re not suffering from shot anxiety, are ya?
  • Dylan: My bros and sis afraid of a little shot? Ha! We laugh at shots! We have shots for breakfast! Afraid? Puh-lease!
  • Peter: *grunts after fainting from the thought of getting a shot*
  • Capricorn: *does the same as Peter*
  • Summer: *helps her sister up*
  • Dylan: *helps his brothers up*
  • Summer: Come on, guys! Mr. Vaccine has a needle with your name on it!
  • Gracie: Uh, actually… We have something better to do! Right, guys?
  • Capricorn and Peter: Yeah! *walks away with their sister*
  • XR: *stops them* Oh no you don’t! Don’t even think about trying to hide to avoid getting a shot.
  • Capricorn: But, Dad…
  • XR: No buts! Now, come on. We’re gonna be late.
  • Capricorn and Peter: Okay, Dad.
  • Gracie: Yes, Father…
  • (They head on over to the vet’s office for the pups’ shots. After Courtney and XR signed the papers, they wait for the doctor to call on them)

Chapter 8: A visit from an old friend[]

  • (Courtney was busy tending to the flowers in front of the Crystal Brighthouse until a certain fox came through a portal and tumbles down)
  • Tails Nine: *dusts himself off after getting up* Not the most graceful of landings. *notices his old friend* Courtney?
  • Courtney: Nine?
  • Tails Nine: It has been a while since I last saw you. Boy, you’ve really grown.
  • Courtney: And you haven’t changed a bit.
  • Gracie: *goes over to her mom after seeing this from inside the Brighthouse* Uh, mother. Who is this?
  • Tails Nine: *surprised after hearing that* Mother? That could only mean… No way…
  • Courtney: Gracie, this is Tails Nine. He’s my friend.
  • Tails Nine: It’s just Nine.
  • Courtney: Right. Nine, meet Gracie. She’s my… daughter.
  • Tails Nine: So this is what you’ve been up to all this time. Starting a family of your own.
  • Courtney: Yep. 15 pups. Gracie along with 3 of her brothers and sister are living here at the Crystal Brighthouse while other 10 are working dogs.
  • Tails Nine: 15?! That’s a lot of kids!
  • Gracie: Wow! It’s so nice to meet you, Nine! Does this make you my friend as well?
  • Tails Nine: Forget that nonsense. You can call me Uncle Nine. I’m an uncle, I can’t believe it! Courtney, why didn’t you tell me?
  • Courtney: How was I supposed to? I haven’t seen you in years.
  • (Suddenly, Courtney’s 3 sons; Peter, Dylan, and Capricorn were chasing each other until they noticed Nine)
  • Capricorn: Hey! We know you! You’re that alternate version of Tails who held our mom hostage!
  • Tails Nine: *looks down in guilt after hearing that*
  • Courtney: *to her son, sternly* Now, Capricorn. That’s not very nice.
  • Capricorn: What? You told me to be honest. Just like Aunt Applejack.
  • Courtney: Yes, but sometimes the truth hurts.
  • Gracie: *surprised after hearing what her brother said* Uncle Nine, is it true? Did you really hold mother hostage?
  • Tails Nine: *sighs* Yes, Gracie. I’m afraid your brother is right. I did hold your mom hostage. The reason why is because I wanted Sonic’s energy to complete the Paradox Prism.
  • Gracie: But, why would you do that?
  • Tails Nine: I wanted to turn my new home into a paradise. When I realized I went too far, the prism energy made me lose so much control that I ended up physically hurting your mom. But, you know something? She forgave me for what I’ve done and was willing to give me a second chance, regardless of my past actions.