Spider-Man's Adventure Series is a adventure series made by TheFoxPrince11.
- Spider Man (Leader)
- Ace Bunny
- Lexi Bunny
- Danger Duck
- Slam Tasmanian
- Rev Runner
- Tech E. Coyote
- Iron-Man
- Thor
- Hulk
- Falcon
- Wolverine
- Silver Surfer (Leaves the team in the Loonatics Unleashed and the Super Hero Squad Show Finale)
- Reptil
- Captain America
- Mrs. Marvel
- Scarlet Witch (Future Member)
- H.E.R.B.I.E. (Future Member)
- Darkwing Duck
- Larry-Boy (Future Member)
Honorary Members
- Green Goblin
- Doctor Octopus
- Venom
- Sandman
- Dr. Doom
- Abomination
- M.O.D.O.K.
- General Deuce
- Weather Vane
- Massive
- Drake Sypher
- Mastermind
- Sylth Vester
- Pierre Le Pew
- Ophiuchus Sam
- Melvin the Martian
- Fearsome Five
- Awful Alvin & Lampy
- Greta Von Gruesome
- The Alchemest
- Thanos
- Acmetropolis
- Superhero City
- Planet Blanc
- St. Canard
- Bumblyburg
List of adventures
TV series
- Spider-Man and The Loonatics Unleashed (Season 1)
- Loonatics Unleashed and the Super Hero Squad Show (AKA Season 2 of Spider-Man and Loonatics Unleashed).
- Spider-Man and the Super Hero Squad Show (AKA Season 2 of the Super Hero Squad).
- Darkwing Duck (The Series)
- Larryboy: The Cartoon Adventures.