Pinkie Pie (voiced by Andrea Libman) is a main character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She represents the element of laughter. She's very silly and pretty funny. She serves as comedy relief and is able to do strange and impossible things, such as breaking the fourth wall.
- Parties
- Singing
- Making others smile
- Befriending others
- Others breaking Pinkie Promises
- Pinkie Pie will guest star in Jeffrey & Friends meet Bambi. At the end, she'll join the team with her friends.
- Pinkie Pie serves as the comedy relief to the Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures team.
- Pinkie Pie is best friends with The Mask and Wander.
- As Fili-Second, she's known as "The fastest pony in all of Maretropolis"; can run a distance of miles in mere seconds.
- Pinkie easily forgives Ralphie for his past actions.