Nala (voiced by Niketa Calame as a cub, and by Moria Kelly as an adult) is Simba's childhood friend, his wife, and is a good friend to Pooh and Jaden. Jaden knew her as a cub along with Simba. In Jaden meets The Lion King, she went with them to the Elephant Graveyard, only to be attacked by hyenas. But they were saved by Mufasa. By the end of the movie, she falls in love with Simba, they get married (becoming the queen of Pride Rock), and have a daughter named Kiara and a son named Kion.
- Nala will guest star along with Simba, Timon, Pumbaa, King Julien, Maurice, and Mort in Jaden's Adventures of Alice in Wonderland (2010 version).
- Nala will guest star in Pooh's And Jaden's Adventures of ChalkZone The Big Blow Up.
- In Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa's Adventures Series, she has a major role in the Jungle Adventure Crew as the Lion Queen.
- Nala will meet Jeffrey and his team in Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures of The Lion King. She'll reunite with them in Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride.
- Nala will guest star in Wedding Duels.
- Nala will attend Jeffrey and Aqua's wedding in Key of Flaming Union.
- Nala will guest star again in Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Alice Through the Looking Glass.