May at the Wallace Cup.

May's Element of Harmony (Generosity)
May (voiced by Veronica Taylor, later on Micjele Knotz) is a beautiful young Pokemon Coodinator who traveled with Ash and her little brother Max in Hoenn and Kanto. Her starter Pokemon is a Torchic, which evolved into a Combusken and eventually, a Blaziken.
May's Pokemon
- Pokemon
- Food
- Pokemon Contests
- Her husband Jesse
- Her goddaughters Xion and Winter, and godson Bruce
- People stealing her food
- Mr. Director
- Baloney the Dinosaur
- Spiders (as of Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
- People hunting for sport
- Desperate survey ladies
- Blood-bending
- May will guest star in Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Star Fox Adventures. At the end, she'll join the team. During the adventure, Jesse will fall in love with her. May makes her first debut in the team in Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends go to Jurassic Park.
- May will travel MOSTLY in her Wallace Cup outfit in the Adventure series.
- After having her body switched with Xion, May will become a Keyblade wielder in the Teen Titans episode "Switched", just like Alexis.
- In Jeffrey, Jaden, & Friends' Storm Adventures of Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys, Jesse will believe that another Pokemon trainer named Sid is trying to take May from him.
- In Jesse, Xion, and Luigi's Mansion, May accepts the offer and becomes Xion's godmother.
- If a person of a Pokémon were to steal May's food, she would become EXTREMELY angry.
- Jesse will eventually propose to her in Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Rio 2, and May will happily say "yes."
- May will finally marry Jesse in Rainbow Bond, and become Mrs. Anderson.
- May gets her own mermaid-form eventually in the series.