Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Star Fox Adventures is a upcoming crossover to be made by tigerman531 and Ren the God of Humor.
Jeffrey, Jaden and their team travel to the Lylat system and meet the Star Fox Team. They also meet a mysterious vixen named Krystal.
- B.E.N., Weebo and May will guest star in this.
- Jesse will fall in love with May in this Adventure, and attempts to win her affections. At the end, Jesse and May will start a relationship.
- An prologue will be featured at the beginning.
- This is the first Adventure where Jeffrey and Aqua will go on as a married couple. A week has passed since they and the rest of the team has been on Jeffrey and Aqua's honeymoon.
- At the end, B.E.N and May will join the team.
Krazoa's/Krystal in Distress
- (As Fox, Tricky, and the Justice Guardians leave the Volcanic Force Point Temple)
- Krystal's voice (in Dino Talk): Help me..... Please help me...... I'm dying.....
- Fox: Can you hear that?
- Jaden: Wait. You heard it too?
- Jeffrey: I sure can...
- Patch: It doesn't sound good....
- Xion: Who can that be?
- Krystal's voice (in Dino Talk): I need Krazoa Spirits or I will not survive.... Help me....
- Jeffrey: Not sure, Xion. But I've got a bad feeling...
- (suddenly to everyone's surprise a giant Krazoa appears before them)
- Tricky: *gasps* A Krazoa!
- Xion: ...!! *hides behind Aqua*
- (The cubs hide behind Diego and Shira)
- Bartok: Okay. That's creepy....
- Spike: What the heck is that?!
- Jesse: Wait. *to Tricky* You know what it is?
- Tricky: *nods* My mom and dad told me all about the Krazoa's. They're peaceful powerful beings that bring life to a planet.
- Jeffrey: Glad to know they aren't a threat.
- Krazoa God: *to Fox and the Justice Guardians* Do you wish to accept our test?
- Jeffrey: *to Jaden* Should we?
- Fox: What is it talking about? What test?
- Jaden: I never was good at tests....
- Jeffrey: *to the Krazoa God* Could you explain please?
King Redeye
- (A gate opens from the farthest corner, and giant T-Rex called King Redeye comes out and roars)
- Jeffrey: ...That doesn't sound good.
- Jaden: Sounds like a big one!!
- Xion: *gasps*
- Aqua: ....!! *to Jeffrey* Do your thing, dear!!
- Jeffrey: *eyes glow draconically* With pleasure. *turns into his dragon form*
- B.E.N.: Wait, Jeffrey!! You're not gonna face whatever is over there, are you?!?!
- Dragon-Jeffrey: If i don't, we'll never be able to get though this place. Take Xion and hide!
- B.E.N.: *pulls on Dragon-Jeffrey's tail* I am not leaving my buddy, Jeffrey!!
- Dragon-Jeffrey: *growls at B.E.N.*
- B.E.N.: ...!!! *smiles nervously* Unless he looks at me like that..... Bye, Jeff!! *grabs Xion and dashes off*
- Xion: *as she leaves with B.E.N.* Go get him, guys!!