Jaden's Adventures Wiki
G1 version of Grogar

Grogar from "My Little Pony 'n Friends"

"You're too late, Twilight Sparkle. Soon, all of Equestria and the entire universe will fall and a new Tambelon and the Heylin Empire shall rise from the ashes!" - Grogar to Twilight Sparkle

Grogar (voiced by Michael Bell in "My Little Pony 'n Friends", Doc Harris in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", and voice actor required for MelSpyRose's version) is an evil ram sorcerer and the overall main antagonist of The Rainbooms' Adventures Series. He is the ruler of the City of Tambelon, the Emperor of All He Saw, and the father of monsters himself, a magically powerful tyrant who once ruled and terrorized Equestria with an iron hoof in ancient times 'till he was confronted and defeated by his arch-enemy, Gusty the Great. He is also responsible for creating Lao Mang Lone Soup that turned Chase Young evil forever, which is revealed he is the very first ancient lord of the Heylin Empire.


  • Grogar may have never showed up in person, but according to his bell, he was 100% very real along with Gusty in history. Jeffrey Dragonheart and Twilight Sparkle even believes that Grogar could be real and possibly out there somewhere.
  • The real Grogar will make his debut in the epilogue of "Avengers: Endgame".
  • Twilight and the Rainbooms will first encounter Grogar in "Return to the Tambelon".
  • Grogar is basically Uka Uka of The Rainbooms' adventures.

