"And I got friends on the other side." -Dr. Facilier singing to Prince Naveen, & Lawrence in his shop.
Dr. Facilier (voiced by Keith David) a.k.a. "The Shadow Man" is the main antagonist of Jaden meets The Princess and the Frog. He used Prince Naveen and a butler named Lawrence to gain control of New Orleans and the La Bouff family fortune. He uses voodoo magic to get what he wants. Jaden can never forgive him for killing his friend Ray the Firefly. Dr. Facilier's demise was when a talisman broke, and without it, he couldn't pay off his "Friends on the Other Side." So they took him as their offering to the Land of the Dead.
- Dr. Facilier will be given a chance to let someone else take his place in the Land of the Dead in Jaden meets Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
- Dr. Facilier will guest star in Pooh's And Jaden's Adventures of ChalkZone The Big Blow Up.
- Dr. Facilier will become Jeffrey's enemy in Jeffrey & Friends' Adventures of The Princess and the Frog.
- Dr. Facilier will return for revenge in Jeffrey, Jaden & Friends' Storm Adventures of Rise of the Guardians, and offer the same bargain to Jeffrey as he did to Jaden.
- Dr. Facilier will be revived and trained by his new "Friend on The Other Side" Barbamon
- Dr. Facilier will become Aaron's enemy at the of Aaron's Adventures in Fantasmic
- Dr. Facilier will become Ed, Double D, Eddy and Darkblade's enemy in The Eds meet The Princess and the Frog.
- Dr. Facilier will become Twilight's enemy in Twilight meets The Princess and the Frog.
- Interdimensional Black Ops believes Dr. Facilier could lower the boundaries between the dimensions set aside for the Dead, and the rest of the multiverse, placing him high on their threat list.