Courtney and Friends' meet Elena of Avalor- King of the Carnaval is an upcoming crossover to be made by PuppyPower32.
Esteban’s old ally returns to steal Elena’s mother’s tiara!
- Guest Stars: Ryder, Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye,
- Courtney will become suspicious of Victor and Carla Delgado before she realizes their true colors.
- The Paw Patrol will be in their Ultimate Police Rescue uniforms and use the Ultimate Police Cruiser in this adventure to catch Victor and Carla.
Meeting Victor and Carla Delgado/Courtney’s suspicions[]
- ???: El Segundo.
- (A man appears as a young woman steps out of the carriage)
- Esteban: *opens the beak* Victor?
- Victor: *laughs* So, you haven’t forgotten me, El Segundo.
- Esteban: *tries to get the beak off* They call me Chancellor Esteban now.
- Victor: Well, Chancellor Esteban, that chicken mask suits you.
- Courtney, Eclipse, and Little Betty: *laughs at this*
- Esteban: It is a phoenix, and this is not a mask. *takes off the beak*
- Victor: Oh, really? *hugs Esteban* After what you did to me, old friend, I would think you’d be too ashamed to show your face. *turns to Elena and the girls* Princess Elena, you are as beautiful as ever.
- Courtney: *senses something off about Victor as she glares angrily at him while standing her ground*
- Elena: Have we met?
- Courtney: *to Elena* Yeah, who is he?
- Victor: Pardon me. It was 41 years ago, after all, before Shuriki invaded, before you were trapped in that amulet. My father was the royal treasurer when your father was king.
- Elena: Victor Delgado?!
- Francisco: Victor Delgado? Oh, it’s been far too long!
- (They hug each other)
- Victor: Señor Flores.
- Esteban: Better check your pockets, abuelo.
- Francisco: Huh? What?
- Victor: *holds up Francisco’s medal* Ah... *laughs*
- Eclipse: Whoa! He’s good!
- Francisco: Oh, just like old times, huh? *puts his medal back* You and Esteban loved practicing your sleight-of-hand tricks.
- Luisa: Tricks? Huh! That was their excuse for taking things that didn’t belong to them.
- Victor: Señora Flores. *hugs her* Please, let me introduce my daughter; Carla.
- Carla: *bows* It’s an honor. I’ve heard so much about all of you. And your allies; The Thunderbolts.
- (Courtney was also sensing something suspicious about Carla as she stays behind Elena while still glaring angrily at them both)
- Elena: Where have you been all these years?
- Victor: When Shuriki took over, we had to flee the kingdom. We lost everything. But now that Avalor is free, I wanted to show Carla where I grew up.
- Esteban: That is why you came back?
- Carla: And to celebrate carnaval, of course.
- Victor: Yes, it is so wonderful of you to bring back the old traditions.
- Elena: Well, how would you like to be our personal guests at the carnaval parade today?
- Esteban: I am sure they have other...
- Victor: We would love to.
- Carla: Ooh, can we take a tour of the palace first? I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. It’s like a fairy tale.
- Elena: Of course. I’ll show you around myself.
- (Elena shows Victor and Carla around the palace)
- Courtney: *gets up on Elena’s shoulder opposite of Carla as she whispers to Elena* Elena, I’m sensing something off about Victor and Carla... I don’t trust these guys one bit... Besides, you know I can tell when others are lying.
- Elena: *whispers to her* Oh, you’re too careful for your own good, Courtney.
The thieves revealed![]
- Carla: *grabs the tiara off Elena* I’ll take that. Papa! *tosses the tiara*
- Elena: No!
- Victor: *grabs the tiara* Gracias, Carla.
- Esteban: *tries to get the tiara* No! *accidentally falls into the float after Victor tripped him*
- Elena: Esteban!
- (Carla tosses Elena down and Victor throws her in with Esteban)
- Courtney: Stop! Thieves! *barks angrily at Victor and Carla as she tries to get the tiara back*
- Victor: Down, you stupid dog!
- Courtney: Who you callin’ stupid? *tackles Victor as he drops the tiara and notices it* The tiara! *rushes over to grab it*
- Carla: *grabs the tiara before Courtney could get it* I’ll take that!
- Victor: *grabs Courtney by the scruff and throws her in with Esteban and Elena* You lose again, old friend. *laughs evilly*
- Courtney: Why you little-!
- (Victor closes the door and locks Courtney, Elena, and Esteban inside the float)
- Elena: They locked it.
- (Victor and Carla put the tiara in the satchel with the rest of the Crown Jewels as they make their getaway on the horses)
Catching Victor and Carla[]
- (The float and the Ultimate Police Cruiser turn left into the park to pursue Victor and Carla)
- Victor: *gets an idea and turns to Carla* Follow me.
- Elena: *sees them turning right* Okay, veer right.
- (Esteban leans the float right and the Ultimate Police Cruiser turns right as they head towards a wall that Victor and Carla jump over with the horses)
- Courtney: Paw Patrol, stop the Police Cruiser!
- (Chase hits the brakes and the Ultimate Police Cruiser stops just in the nick of time)
- Chase: Police Pups, let’s go!
- (The Paw Patrol gets out and pursues Victor and Carla on foot as Courtney flies to follow them)
- Elena: Uh oh! Brace yourself, Esteban!
- (The float breaks off the platform, flies through the air, and crashes in front of Victor and Carla as they fall off their horses)
- Elena: *gets out of the float* Stop right there.
- (Victor and Carla run off with the tiara in the satchel as they climb over the wall to see everyone including the Thunderbolts and the Paw Patrol surrounding them)
- Eclipse: Surprise!
- Armando: Not so fast.
- Chase: Victor and Carla Delgado, you two are under arrest for stealing the Crown Jewels of Avalor!
- Esteban: *takes the satchel from Victor* I’ll take those... old friend.
- Victor: *grumbles*
- Courtney: *growls angrily at them to back off*
- Eclipse: Looks like Courtney was right about you guys.
- Carla: Yeah, and-
- Zak: *to Victor and Carla* You would’ve gotten away with it if hadn’t been for us meddling kids.
- Little Betty: And their pesky dogs!
- Elena: Captain. Remove these thieves from our kingdom, and see that they never return.
- Captain: Yes, your majesty.
- (They take them away in a jail carriage)
Elena thanks Courtney and the Paw Patrol[]
- Elena: You did it, Courtney! You got back my mother’s tiara.
- Courtney: Thanks, Elena. I couldn’t have done it without the Paw Patrol.
- Esteban: Indeed. Your friends are heroes!
- Elena: Thank you so much for your help, Paw Patrol!
- Chase: You’re welcome, Princess Elena! Whenever the Crown Jewels are being stolen...
- Ryder: Just yelp for help!