Courtney's Adventures of Sonic Prime is an upcoming crossover series to be made by PuppyPower32.
- Team CRWBY will be with Sonic and Courtney in this adventure series and the Curious Cat will work for the Chaos Council until they get left behind in one of the Shatterspaces to die.
Season 1[]
- Shattered
- The Yoke’s on You
- Escape from New Yoke
- Unwelcome to the Jungle
- Barking Up the Wrong Tree
- Situation: Grim
- It Takes One to No Place
- There's No ARRGH in "Team"
Season 2[]
- Avoid the Void
- Battle in the Boscage
- Second Wind
- No Way Out
- A Madness to Their Methods
- Double Trouble
- Cracking Down
- Ghost of a Chance