Villains of the Hiccup's Adventures series.
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Jessie, James and Meowth -
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Zigzag The Grand Vizier -
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Ansem the Seeker of Darkness -
Dr. Octavius Brine
All items (890)
- Abilisk
- Abominable Snowman of Pasadena
- Abomination
- ACME Chairman
- Adagio Dazzle
- Adonis
- Agatha Trunchbull
- Ahuizotl
- Aku
- Al Capone
- Al McWhiggin
- Alameda Slim
- Aldrich Killian
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- Alexander Pierce
- Algrim
- Almighty Tallest
- Alpha (How To Train Your Dragon 2)
- Alpha (Up)
- Alpha and Omega
- Amon (Demon Lord)
- Amon (LoK)
- Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
- Andross
- Angel (Teen Titans)
- Ansem the Seeker of Darkness
- Anti-Pops
- Anubis the God of Death
- Aquamarine (Steven Universe)
- Ares
- Aresia
- Aria Blaze
- Army of Anubis
- Arnim Zola
- Arnold Ernst Toht
- Arthur (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Arukenimon
- Asajj Ventress
- Ashcan & Pete
- Ashram
- Asmodeus Poisontooth
- Atrocitus
- Attila and Hun
- Audrey II
- Augustus Maywho
- Aunt Pristine Figg
- Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker
- Ayesha
- Azula
- Bad Cop/Good Cop
- Balthazar Bratt
- Bark (Pup Star)
- Barnaby Crookedman
- Baron Strucker
- Baron Zemo
- Battle Droids
- Beagle Boys
- Bear (The Fox the Hound)
- Bears
- Bela
- Beldam
- Ben Ravencroft
- Bertrand
- Beta and Gamma
- Biff Tannen
- Big Bad Wolf
- Big Boss
- Bill Cipher
- Bill McLemore
- Bill Sykes
- Billy Numerous
- Bird Brain
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Blackfire
- Blind Pew
- Blockheads
- Bluto
- Boba Fett
- Borf
- Boris the Animal
- Boss Wolf
- Bowser
- Bowser Jr.
- Bradley Uppercrust III
- Brainiac
- Bree and Sloan Blackburn
- Brom Bones
- Broodals
- Brron, Mad King of Dark World
- Brutus and Nero
- Bubbha
- Burger-Beard the Pirate
- Captain Chantel DuBois
- Captain Cutler's Ghost
- Captain Gutt
- Captain Hook
- Captain Peavey
- Captain Phasma
- Card Soldiers
- Carface Carruthers
- Carmen Sandiego
- Carnage
- Carnotaurs
- Cat R. Waul
- Catwoman
- Cecil Fredericks
- Cerberus (Saint Seiya)
- Chakal
- Chakravartin
- Chameleon (Kung Fu Panda)
- Chaos
- Chaos (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Charles Muntz
- Charon
- Chef (Trolls)
- Chef Skinner
- Chernabog
- Chick Hicks
- Chief McBrusque
- Chitauri
- Cinderblock
- Clayton
- Cleo Quinzel
- Cloak and Dagger
- Clockwerk
- Clueless Morgan
- Cobra
- Cobra Commander
- Coco LaBouche
- Colonel Dietrich
- Colonel Miles Quaritch
- Commander Peepers
- Commander Rourke
- Commander Vic Hoskins
- Constantine
- Count Dooku
- Count Dracula Duck
- Count Spankulot
- Crazy Old Cat Lady
- Cretaceous and Maelstrom
- Crossbones
- Cruella DeVil
- Cutting-Edge Appliances
- Cy-Bugs
- Cyber-Zilla
- Cyclops Titan
- Cyrus
- Dag the Coyote
- Darcy
- Dark Kat
- Dark Matter (Pokémon)
- Dark Oak
- Dark Pit
- Dark Selena
- Darkseid
- Darla Dimple
- Darla Sherman
- Darth Maul
- David Xanatos
- Davros
- Davy Jones
- Dawn Bellwether
- Deadpool
- Death (Puss in Boots)
- Delightful Children From Down The Lane
- Demencia
- DemiDevimon
- Demona
- Dennis the Hitman
- Desiree
- Di Lung
- Diaboromon
- Diamond Dogs
- Digit (An American Tail)
- Dil
- Doc Hopper
- Doctor Light
- Doctor List
- Dogo
- Dominic Badguy
- Doomsday
- DOR-15
- Dormammu
- Doug
- Dr. Abel Cuvier
- Dr. Anton Sevarius
- Dr. Applecheeks
- Dr. Baxter Stockman
- Dr. Blowhole
- Dr. Caballeron
- Dr. Calico
- Dr. Doom