Here are all the Disney Characters on this wiki.
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- A-Bomb (Rick Jones)
- A.U.T.O.
- Aaron Davis
- Abby Mallard
- Abigail Chase
- Abilisk
- Abis Mal
- Abomination
- Abu
- Abu Bakar
- Ace (Experiment 262)
- Adam Warlock
- Adelhard
- Adella
- Adira
- Admiral Ackbar
- Admiral Garrick Versio
- Admiral Raddus
- Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
- Aeleus
- Aerith
- Agatha Harkness
- Agent P (Perry the Platypus)
- Ahsoka Tano
- Ajabu
- Al McWhiggin
- Aladar
- Aladdin
- Alador Blight
- Alameda Slim
- Alan-a-Dale
- Alana
- Aldrich Killian
- Alex Durant
- Alexander Pierce
- Alfredo Linguini
- Algrim
- Alice Kingsleigh
- Alice the China Girl
- Alistair Krei
- Ally
- Alpha (Up)
- Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge
- Amanda Bernstein
- America Chavez
- Amity Blight
- Amnesio
- Amora
- Amos Slade
- Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
- Anastasia
- Anastasia Tremaine
- Anchor
- Ancient One
- Andrina
- Andy Davis
- Anga
- Angel
- Angel (Lilo and Stitch)
- Angela
- Angelica
- Angelique
- Anger
- Anglerfish
- Angus
- Animal
- Anita Radcliffe
- Annette
- Annie (Little Einstein)
- Ansem the Seeker of Darkness
- Ansem the Wise
- Ant Man
- Antauri
- Anti-Venom
- Anton Ego
- Anxiety
- April, May and June
- Aqua
- Aqua (Justice Guardian Kids)
- Aquata
- Aragorn
- Arawn Death-Lord
- Archimedes
- Archimedes Q. Porter
- Ariel
- Arista
- Arlo
- Arnim Zola
- Art
- Arthur (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Arthur and Cecil
- Arthur Pendragon (Disney and Waner Bros.)
- Asajj Ventress
- Ash Delgado
- Ashcan & Pete
- Ashtin Carnaby
- Aslan
- Att-Lass
- Attina
- Audrey
- Audrey Bourgeois
- Audrey Ramirez
- Auguste Gusteau
- Aunt May
- Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker
- Austin Moon
- Axel
- Ayesha
- Azaad
- Azari
- B.E.N.
- B2-5D
- Baba Yaga
- Babe
- Baby Herman
- Babyfier
- Backhoe
- Backson
- Badili
- Bagheera
- Bail Organa
- Bailey
- Baliyo
- Baloo the Bear
- Bambi
- Bambi's Mother
- Bandersnatch
- Banzai
- Barbie
- Bark (Pup Star)
- Barley Lightfoot
- Baron Mordo
- Baron Strucker
- Baron Von Shelgoose
- Baron Zemo
- Bartok the Bat
- Bashful
- Bashful (The 7D)
- Basi
- Basil of Baker Street
- Battle Droids
- Bayard
- Baymax
- Baze Malbus
- BB-8
- BB-9E
- Beagle Boys
- Beaker
- Bean Bunny
- Bear (The Fox the Hound)
- Beast (X-Men)
- Beauregard
- Beck
- Belle
- Belle (Experiment 248)
- Ben
- Benjamin Gates
- Benny (The Wild)
- Benny the Cab
- Bensons
- Bentina Beakley
- Berlioz
- Bernard
- Bert (Mary Poppins)
- Beshte
- Beta and Gamma
- Beta Ray Bill
- Big Baby
- Big Bad Wolf
- Big Mama
- Bill Cipher
- Bill Foster
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Bill Sykes
- Billie Robinson
- Billy, Goat, and Gruff
- Bing Bong
- Bip
- Bishop
- Black Cat
- Black Knight
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Blackbeard
- Blade Ranger
- Blanky
- Blind Pew
- Bloat
- Blowhard
- Blue Caterpillar
- Blue Fairy
- Bo Peep
- Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible)
- Boba Fett