Characters who are able to fly with the help of either wings, rockets, magic and/or superpowers.
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- Abby Cadabby
- Adagio Dazzle
- Adam Flayman
- Adam Warlock
- Alex Morbheart
- Amaru
- America Chavez
- Amnesio
- Amon (Demon Lord)
- Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant
- Anga
- Angel (Marvel)
- Angel (Teen Titans)
- Angel the Hero Chao
- Angela
- Ansem the Seeker of Darkness
- Anti-Cosmo
- Aqua
- Aquamarine (Steven Universe)
- Arceus
- Archimedes
- Argent
- Arthur and Cecil
- Articuno
- Ash's Charizard
- Ash's Noctowl
- Ash's Pidgeot
- Ash's Staraptor
- Astro Boy
- Asuna Yuuki
- Audrey Bourgeois
- Axel
- Ayden
- B.I.N.G.
- Baby Tooth
- Babyfier
- BarfBelch
- Barry B. Benson
- Bartok the Bat
- Bat Gremlin
- Batman (Kirk Langstrom)
- Batty Koda
- Baymax
- Beast Boy
- Beatrice
- Beelzebub
- Beelzemon
- Bela
- Belladonna
- Belphemon
- Ben Tennyson
- Benny
- Berkeley Beetle
- Beta Ray Bill
- Bia
- Big Mama
- Bizarro
- Black Doom
- Blackfire
- Blade Ranger
- Blu
- Blue Beetle
- Blue Caterpillar
- Boba Fett
- Bokkun
- Boomer
- Boris
- Box Ghost
- Brainiac
- Broadway
- Brooklyn
- Brutus
- Bryagh
- Buckbeak
- Bugby
- Bugsy
- Bulk Biceps
- Bumblebee
- Bunnicula
- Burn blaster
- Buzz Lightyear
- Calumon
- Captain Atom
- Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
- Captain Marvel (DC Version)
- Carla
- Carpet
- Casper
- Celebi
- Cenyx
- Changelings
- Chaos (Aladdin)
- Charmy Bee
- Chase Young
- Cheese the Chao
- Cheshire Cat
- Chief Zephyr
- Chopper
- Clockwerk
- Cloud
- Cloudjumper
- Corey the Manticore
- Cosmo
- Cotton's parrot
- Count Bleck
- Count Maxwell
- Count Spankulot
- Countess Ruby
- Courtney Elison
- Courtney's Beedrill
- Courtney's Butterfree
- Courtney's Charizard (Susie)
- Courtney's Chatot (Elise)
- Courtney's Corviknight (Batman)
- Courtney's Dragonite (Astrid)
- Courtney's Flygon (Buster)
- Courtney's Togekiss (Sunnyside)
- Courtney's Unfezant
- Cozy Glow
- Craig the Genie
- Crane
- Cream the Rabbit
- Cree Lincoln
- Cresselia
- Cruz and Vestia
- Crysta
- Cubix
- Curious Cat
- Cy (Skylanders Academy)
- Cy-Bugs
- Cyril
- Daemon
- Danny Phantom
- Dante (Coco)
- Daring Do
- Dark Pit
- Dark Spyro
- Darken
- Darkrai
- Dartrix
- Deadman
- Deathgrippers
- DemiDevimon
- Demona
- Demongo
- Dennis Locker
- Deoxys
- Derpy Hooves
- Destoroyah
- Devil Ray
- Devilman
- Devon & Cornwall
- Diego Jr. (DJ)
- Dim
- Dimentio
- Dinky and Boomer
- Discord
- Doctor Strange
- Dojo
- Doli
- DOR-15
- Dot
- Dr. Fate
- Dr. Strange Supreme
- Draco
- Dracula
- Dragon
- Dragon (Pagemaster)
- Dream Eater Nightmare
- Dream Eater Spirit
- Dronkeys
- Duck Hunt
- Dumbo
- Dusty Crophopper
- Dweller-in-Darkness