Bruce Sora Dragonheart is the baby son of Jeffrey Dragonheart and Aqua.
After the war against Xehanort came to an end, the Justice Guardians felt that they could finally relax. In time, Aqua gave birth to a baby son who was named after Jeffrey's idol Bruce Wayne and after his brother figure Sora. Bruce has inherited his family's powers, including some of his father's intelligence and his mother's magical abilities. He also inherited super strength! Because Jeffrey is king of the Skytsengel dragons, this makes Bruce known as "Prince of the Skytsengels". Bruce dreams of becoming a Keyblade wielder, a Pokemon trainer and a duelist like his family someday, but Jeffrey hopes that his son will become way better than Jeffrey himself at many things.
- His family (especially his parents Jeffrey and Aqua, his sisters Xion and Winter, his uncles Jaden and Hiccup and his aunts Alexis and Astrid, his godparents Jesse and May)
- Going on adventures
- Duel Monsters
- Pokemon
- Dragons
- Wanting to be a Keyblade wielder
- Being polite and well-behaved
- Romantic stuff
- Inventions
- Elsa and Anna (aunts)
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Snuffy
- Grover
- Sea-Salt Ice Cream
- Blue's Clues
- Sesame Street
- Pushing Dragon-Jeffrey whenever he gets stuck
- Being a peacekeeper
- Food
- Dressing up as Robin when his parents and sister dress up as Batman, Catwoman and Batgirl
- Ariel
- Playing with Xion, the cubs, Lily Yuki and Flurry Heart
- Pop Funko figures
- Sora (Big brother figure)
- Kairi (big sister figure)
- Hearing some great stories about his family
- Stars
- The Matriarch Elephant from "Dumbo"
- Rosalina
- Lumas
- Magic
- Carrots
- Helping Xion collect seashells
- Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
- Playing video games (especially Mario, racing and Batman games)
- Batman
- Comic books
- Racing
- Nature
- Berkeley Beetles
- "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
- Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
- Lily Yuki (cousin) and Flurry Heart (friend)
- His "Very Hungry Caterpillar" plush toy Fuzzy
- Helping his family and friends feel better
- Aria McCloud (first love interest, later best friend)
- Practicing his intelligence and strength
- The Light
- Sailor Mercury
- Poltergust 3000 and 5000
- Moonscar Island peppers
- Having sandwiches with Tammy
- Detective stories
- Miles Tails Prower
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Otto Octavius (live-action version)
- Princess Alora (love interest)
- Professor Keenbean
- Villains threatening, harming or insulting his family and friends
- Eating pickles, pumpkins, turkeys or fruit cake
- Eels
- Spiders (except for those like Nails)
- Bryagh
- Ghostfreak
- The dark
- Baloney the Dinosaur
- Mr. Director
- Set the God of Chaos
- Vegetables (occasionally)
- Picking favorites
- Binky the Clown
- Heartless
- Someone or something harming the environment
- Being told how dragons should act
- Polly Spark
- His family and/or friends upset or sad
- Arguing
- Bagpipes
- Being called a monster
- People hunting for sport
- Dr. Eggman's taunts
- Desperate survey ladies
- Blood bending
- Being called a wimp
- Pichu (Male)
- Sprigatito (Thorn) (Male)
- Bruce will make his debut appearance after Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of Kingdom Hearts III.
- Like his father Jeffrey, Bruce can see Duel Monster spirits.
- Bruce is able to understand ancient Egyptian language despite his age.
- Bruce considers his father Jeffrey and his uncles Jaden and Hiccup to be his inspirations.
- Because of his strength, Bruce has been nicknamed "Lil' Hercules".
- Bruce enjoys eating food and is said to have a strong stomach just like his father. Jeffrey, Aqua and Xion even believe that Bruce's stomach may be much stronger than Jeffrey's.
- As a running gag, Bruce burps out fire after eating some food.
- Bruce has a plush toy of the "Very Hungry Caterpillar", which he has named Fuzzy.
- Sometime later, Bruce will fall in love with Aria McCloud, the baby daughter of Fox McCloud and Krystal. After Bruce falls in love with Princess Alora though, they both decide respectfully to just be best friends.
- Thanks to his father's Meowth, Bruce knows how to understand Pokemon language.
- Bruce has some silver goggles with red colored lens that he uses for scientific and detective work. He received them as a birthday gift from Jeffrey. The goggles are first seen in Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death.
- As a gift from Aqua, Bruce receives a Pokemon Egg that came from his parents' two Pikachu. It later hatches into a Pichu that will eventually be his starter Pokemon.
- Bruce is quite skilled at certain things at his age such as playing video games, mimicking the voices of anyone he hears perfectly and understanding droid language (or rather beeps).
- Bruce will turn into his dragon form for the first time in Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of Frozen 2.
- Bruce later inherits Lyman Banner's Alchemy Beast deck.
- Bruce's main weapon is the Dream Sword since he has not yet received a Keyblade.
- In Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of Avengers: Infinity War, Bruce, Garnet, Ishizu and Doctor Strange see the 14,000,605 futures involving the battle with Thanos, including the one where they win. The reason why Bruce can see these outcomes is due to his growing Skytsengel dragon abilities.
- In Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of Avengers: Endgame, Bruce will become 3 years old and has learned to walk.