Mr. Incredible a.k.a. Bob Parr (voiced by Craig T. Nelson) is the main protagonist of Jaden meets The Incredibles.
Superhuman Strength: Mr. Incredible's primary superpower is super strength. He is seen bench-pressing locomotives and throwing boulders at speed, even in middle age.
- Super Jump: This gives him a leaping ability of a few stories, with corresponding agility.
- Speed Swimming & Enhanced Lung Capacity: He also has good swimming ability, though not as a separate power, though his lung capacity does not appear to be substantially greater than a normal human's.
- Superhuman Speed: His strength also gives him superhuman speed, as he can run significantly faster than a normal human—though neither his speed nor agility approach that of his son Dash.
High Durability: He has a high degree of durability. He can withstand tremendous amounts of physical trauma, including multistory falls, the direct impact of a train, and breaking through brick walls. He can be cut, though, with very hard metals and a suitable amount of force.
Near-Invulnerability: Although Mr. Incredible has near invulnerability, things that produce a large force still hurt him. This is shown when he is going to stop the train, he winces just before it hits him, according to director Brad Bird it was him "preparing for the fact that it's going to hurt". In a deleted scene, however, his body could withstand being cut by a butcher knife, and also dent it in the process, as demonstrated when he, while trying to cleave some food for the grill, accidentally chopped his fingers. This also in a way acted as a weakness as it would have produced complications as it would have given away his identity to a barbecue by their new neighbors, so he had to fake injury in order to maintain cover.
Sharp Senses: Mr. Incredible also has very sharp senses. This power is seen when Bomb Voyage is about to blow open the vault of a skyrise building; Mr. Incredible is able to hear the faint beeping of the bomb from the other side of a thick wall.
Expert Strategist: He doesn't exhibit superhuman intelligence, but his years of super-heroic experience allow him to rapidly formulate effective strategies to deal with opponents who cannot be bested by his strength alone.
- Jeffrey, Jaden and Hiccup will meet Mr. Incredible again in Jeffrey, Jaden, Hiccup & Friends' Storm Adventures of The Incredibles 2.