Arik's Prologue is the second episode of Arik's Adventures Chronicles Season 1. This story is how Arik was born, after the final battle Aaron, & the other adventure teams defeatingLucifer forever.
The battle with Lucifer, was finally over, & Aaron, & Megan are settling in their new home of Kolma Village. While their, Megan starts to feel a little different, learning that she is going to have a baby. As time passes, Aaron, & Megan start to prepare a room for their child, until the big day arrives when the baby is about to be born. This begins a new life for their new born son, Arik Matsuhiro. When his teammates find them, they're surprised to see, after some time has passed, Aaron, & Megan with a child of their own. What will the other knights think of the child?
- This episode will tell how Arik was born, & how his parents come to live in Kolma Village.
The Baby is Born
- (Megan laying on the bed with Aaron coming in.)
- Megan: Hey Aaron.
- Aaron: Hello Megan.
- (Aaron walks over to her.)
- Aaron: You okay.
- Megan: Baby's starting to kick.
- (Megan soon starts to groan as she tries to bring their child out.)
- Megan: Aaron...
- Aaron: Right here, Megan.
- (Megan grunts and screams until finally.)
- (baby cries)
- Doctor: Congratulations, you've given birth to a healthy baby boy.
- Megan: May we see him.
- Doctor: of coarse.
- (Aaron and Megan cuddle up and smile at the sight of their new son, Arik.)
Reunion, and Surprise
- (Keith and the others are still wondering where Aaron and Megan have gone. Nearly six years have passed since that day. Until Suzaku gets a phone call.)
- Suzaku: Yes, (gasps) where are they?! We'll be right there. Thank You Very Much! (hangs up) We found them!
- Knights: (Cheers!)
- Kallen: Thank Goodness! Let's go and bring them home.
- Sergent O'Neil: Roger that, Kallen.
- (the group soon heads out towards Kolma Village to reunite with their friends.)
- Keith: Well, here we are.
- Jake: But where are they?
- ???: Well, isn't this a quite the surprise.
- (The group soon turns to see Aaron and Megan, all right and smiling.)
- Kallen: Your okay, everyone was worried about you.
- Suzaku: We thought, we never see you again after the last battle.
- Megan: Sorry we worried you, everyone.
- (Aichi soon noticed someone with the two, only to see the child hide behind Aaron's leg.)
- Aichi: Hey Aaron, You started an orphanage? There's a child next to you.
- Aaron: This young man here is our son.
- Everyone: (shocked)
- Suzaku: Your son?
- Arik: Hello there, My name is Arik. I'm Aaron and Megan's son. I pleased to meet you. (bows)
- (The group soon realized that they had a new member, friend, and family. And were totally cool with it.)