Jaden's Adventures Wiki

Alexander The Great (voiced by Pete Zarustica) is a legendary Emperor from Macedonia, and the minor villain in Aaron's Adventures in Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters. He would later be reborn and be reformed for what happened. He is kind, powerful, and wise.


He was one of the most powerful warriors of his time. He conquered many countries, such as Persia, Greece, and Eygpt. Alexander was unstoppable. However, all that changed when his conquest for India failed, leaving his spirit crushed. Eventually, his men abandoned him, and when he returned, the failure was so huge, that he never recovered, and eventually, Alexander lost everything. Afterwards, he was visited by Mars to help him with his own plans for his master, Lucifer. He eventually faced The Miztyk Knights, and Yugi, and was defeated united, and freed.


  • Alexander will meet Aaron and The Miztyk Knights in Aaron's Adventures of Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters. In the end, he will become a member of the Miztyk Knights.