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Aaron and the Sleeping Beauty is one of Season 2's crossovers in Aaron's Adventures. It will be created by Aaron The Wise '91.


Long ago, The Friar King Stephan and his Queen have just had their first born daughter, Princess Aurora. During the celebration of Aurora's birth, our heroes appear to join the celebration. But when Maleficent places a curse on her because she wasn't invited to the celebrations. The Miztyk Knights, along withFlora, Fauna, and Merryweather, hide her for 16 years. Will the curse end, or will Maleficent have her revenge?


  • Lucifer will appear in this adventure in the form of Maleficent's pet crow, Diablo. In the epilogue, Maleficent will end up in Pandemonium, and see Diablo in his true form, and offered a place in his kingdom, in which she agrees.