Aaron Meets The Thundercats is an adventure like none other. This adventure deals with how Aaron's friends can be unexpected at times.
The Miztyk Knights have landed on Third-Earth, and entered the kingdom of Thundera, there they meet Lion-O and Snarf. Soon, they are made guest by King Claudius, and Jaga, along with friends with Cheetara, and Tigra. One night during a party to welcome home Grune, and a huge stone as a present, a massive attack is brought forth from the reptiles, lead by Lucifer, followed Ares, and Pandora. What will happen next?
- The Thundercats (2011) will join the Miztyk Knights.
- Mumm-Ra will become Aaron's enemy in this adventure, and a member of The Kingdom of Darkness.
(The Fall of Thundera)
- Aaron: I don't like this.
- Panthro: You came for me.
- Claudius: I'd go anywhere to aid you my friend. Now help me.
- Lucifer: With pleasure.
- (the attacks accelerate while Lion-O rushes to his father, unaware of Panthro's true nature.)
- Lion-O: Father!
- (Claudius is then struck in the back and cries in pain, pleasing Lucifer, Ares, and Pandora. Lion-O was terrified)
- Lion-O: NO!
- Aaron: King Claudius!
- (Claudius fall into the water, and is pulled out by Lion-O and Tigra.)
- Lion-O: Father.
- Claudius: No matter what happens, you've made me proud this day.
- (Claudius dies as his gauntlet dims down.)
- Panthro: (laughs)
- Lion-O: You, a traitor too, Panthro?!
- Panthro: Oh, but just think of it Lion-O. If technalogy is real then wouldn't also things from beyond your imagination be real too?
- (Panthro's voice changes too a more frieghtning voice as he changes into Mumm-Ra.)
- Mumm-Ra: (growls)
- Aaron: Oh no, it can't be.
- Lion-O: Mumm-Ra.
- Jaga: The day I have always feared has arrived. Clerics, to the DEATH!
- Megan: Jaga!
- Mumm-Ra: You are but insects, to the power of Mumm-Ra, The Ever Living!
- (Mumm-Ra sends a powerful blast wave sending all but two Clearics to there demise.)
- Aaron: This ends now, Mumm-Ra! Come on everyone, let's get him!
- Knights: Right!
- (The knights charge in to stop Mumm-Ra.)
- Mumm-Ra: You Knights don't stand a chance against me. For I am Ever Living!
- (Mumm-Ra unleashes another wave sending The Miztyk Knights into losing conscienseness.)
- Lion-O: No.
- Mumm-Ra: Thundera has fallen.
- Lucifer: (Laughing)
- Ares: The Glories of triumph in War is very greatning.
- Reptiles: (Cheering)
- Lion-O: Were going after Mumm-Ra, and that's a command.
- Aaron: We can't leave yet.
- Lion-O: (angry) And why not?!
- Aaron: We may need some extra help, mainly some survivors, besides, you need to calm down.
- Lion-O: (sighs) All Right, new change, search for survivors. We need all the help we can get.
- Tigra: You are the King.
- Megan: Look, I found a couple over there.
- Jake: I know those two, Willykat, and Willykit. Maybe they can help.
- Lion-O: Might as well.
- Aaron: Excuse Me, you two. Huh?
- ???: (groans)
- Aaron: What's this...? (gasps) Lion-O!
- Lion-O: What's wrong?
- Aaron: I found someone in this rumble, Look!
- Lion-O: (gasps) Everyone over here!
- (the groups works hard and frees the trap Thundercat, and saving her life.)
- Pumyra: Thank You,... My Name's Pumyra.