Aaron, Arik, & Friends Power Adventures is a special series that combines The Miztyk Knight Teams of the past & present as they unite to take down their enemies in order to save the future.
Arik & his friends have encountered a new enemy called Paradox, who has joined The Kingdom of Darkness in order to end the adventure teams in the past so he can create a new future. But our heroes won't let him do that, so our heroes follow him to the past to join up with other Adventure teams to defeat Paradox for good.
- Aaron's Miztyk Knights
- Arik's Miztyk Knights
- and more
- The Journey Begins
- Old Friends but younger
- Dragon Frenzy
- A new enemy
- Time Loses Control
- Incoming, Malefor
- The Grand Battle Royal
- Winner is...
- The Final Battle: Father vs Son
- Secrets Revealed
- The Journey Home
- This series is mainly a what if adventure series for those who are wondering about what the series is.