Aaron's Adventures of Saint Seiya is the first adventure The Miztyk Knights go on after defeating Void Cubia.
This adventure is going through the entire Saint Seiya anime, from The Lost Canvas, all the way to the end of Saint Seiya Omega, except movie 4. Aaron and the other knights are finally home from their adventures in Monstrolia, when a mysterious man appeared, revealing himself as Alexander The Great telling our heroes that a old threat has returned and is gaining allies unless stopped. Hearing this, the Knights are off to their newest area, the United universes and the Saints of Athena. They must defeat the evil forces that threaten the Earth, but can they do it?
- This adventure is just taking some episodes of the series and becoming one whole episode.
- This the first time the heroes meet Alexander The Great.
- Their adventure will continue in the next movie Aaron's Adventures of Saint Seiya Warriors of the Final Holy Battle